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These messages are typically given on Sunday morning and evening and Wednsday evening by Pastor Lawrence Richardson but also include guest speakers at Grace Baptist Church.
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So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:17 (KJV)
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Listen | Download | The Sanctity of Human Life - On January 22, 1973 the United States Supreme Court made it legal to kill unborn human babies. This message addresses this infamous decision made 37 years ago. Message delivered by Bro.Lawrence Richardson January 17, 2010 Sunday AM. | |
Listen | Download | Video | Wrong Is Always Wrong - Choose Life- "...I Have Set Before You Life and Death, Blessing and Cursing: Therefore Choose Life, That Both Thou and Thy Seed May Live" Deut. 30:19 & Isaiah 5:20. On January 22, 1973 the United States Supreme Court made it legal to kill unborn human babies. This message addresses this infamous decision made 38 years ago. Message delivered by Bro.Lawrence Richardson January 16, 2011. Sunday AM. |
The Best For Last-John 2 Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2011 The Devil always serves up the best at the first and then he will harm you. The Lord waits and gives |
Listen | Download | O Little Town of Bethlehem. Micah 5:2 The little book of Micah in the Old Testament gives us the prophecy as to where Jesus would be born. This prophecy was written about 750 years before the birth of Jesus. In the providence of God, He worked it out that Joseph and Mary had to go to Bethlehem. Caesar, for the first time, call for the taxing of everyone. Since Joseph was of the family of David, he had to go to the city of David, Bethlehem. God will keep His promises.By Bro Lawrence Richardson, 12-25-2011. |
Listen | Download | Two Men At A Funeral. By Bro. Melvin Sisson. | |
Listen | Download | A Loving Life and Good Days. By Bro. Melvin Sisson. | |
Listen | Download | 7. Twice Called - The Call To Suffering. The Apostle Peter was warned by the Lord Jesus that the Devil was wanting to sift him as wheat. Many time the Lord allows suffering to come to our lives to make us stronger in the faith. Peter certainly had his trials and times of suffering but later he was inspired to write in his books that our trials become more precious than gold tried in the fire. When suffering comes, we must learn to trust in ChristBy Bro. Lawrence Richardson. | |
Listen | Download | The Glory of Christmas. Phil. 2:6-10.The Apostle Paul did not mention anything at all about the birth of the Lord Jesus but he did give us some details about Him in Philippians. He goes back farther than the night of His birth, he goes all the way back to eternity. He then writes that God became flesh. That is the glory of Christmas. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. | |
Listen | Download | Acts 23. Paul Before the Sanhedrin Paul stands before the Sanhedrin and sees that it is made up of both Pharisees and Sadducees. These two groups were apposed to each other and Paul points out that he was on trial for him being a Pharisee and a son of a Pharisee and that causes the Sanhedrin to argue. Paul is taken out and removed for fear of bodily harm.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson |
Listen | Download | Acts 22. Paul's Defense in Jerusalem. Acts 22 contains the defense of Paul before the Jewish people and their response. They hated the words and works of Paul to the point they wanted to kill him. |
Listen | Download | 6. Twice Called. The Call To Spirituallity--In this message we see Martha burdened down with service. The reason the service was such a problem to her is found in her spiritual life. Mary had chosen the best because she realize that service is only enjoyed when our lives are on the correct spiritual level with the Lord. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, Sunday p.m. 12-4-11 |
Listen | Download | This Is The Record - 1John 5:11 Eternal Salvation. The Bible only speaks of one type of salvation. That salvation is given to us from an eternal God which can only give eternal life. What God does He does forever.. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 12-4-2011 Sunday A.M. |
Listen | Download | Acts 21 --The Missionary Journey's Of Paul End (Series on Acts) Acts 21 gives us the finish of the third missionary journey of the Apostle Paul. This chapter is the last chapter of Paul's life as a free man. Paul goes to Jerusalem out of the will of God. He is beaten by the Jews and arrested by the Romans.Wed. 11-30-2011 By Bro. Lawrence Richardson | |
Listen | Download | 5. Twice Called - A Call To Service. This message is about the man Samuel. He was given to the Lord's service before his birth by Hannah his mother. One night he heard the voice of God and responded with, Here am I." God made him a great prophet and priest to the nation of Israel.11-27-2011 Sunday PM. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. |
Listen | Download | When Light Becomes Darkness. It is a terrible thing to have the light of the Gospel and then rebel against that light. We see in the history of Israel that they did that very thing. They finally rejected the pure light of the Lord Jesus Christ.By Bro Lawrence Richardson, Sunday Am 11-27-2011 |
Listen | Download | 4. Twice Called - Exodus 3:4--Moses, The Call of Separation. As we continue our study on "Twice Called" we see God's call to Moses was one of separation. He had to be separated from his family to go and lead the people of Israel out of Egyptian bondage. Moses answered God's call with "Here am I." This should be the attitude of every believer. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, Sunday, 11-20-2011 PM | |
Listen | Download | Thank God He Found Me - Luke 15. As we approach Thanksgiving, we should truly be thankful for all the blessings He has given to us. Many things are been bestowed upon us as His people. The greatest gift of all is Salvation. We should be aware that He is the seeking Savior and He found us even though we were dead, dirty and doomed. By Bro Lawrence Richardson, Sunday AM, 11-20-2011 | |
Listen | Download | Acts 20--The Last Stages of the Third Missionary Journey. This chapter gives us the last events of the third missionary journey of Paul. He calls for the elders from Ephesus to come so he can give them some last instructions. He knows this will be the last time he sees them and we wants to make sure the Church in Ephesus continues to be a strong church in the future. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, Wednsday 11-16-2011 | |
Listen | Download | 3. "Twice Called" A Call To Surrender. Genensis 46. This is the third in a series of messages entitled "Twice Called." This lesson is on the man Jacob. God came to him and said, "Jacob, Jacob." This was God call to surrender his life and family to the Lord. The Child of God should be able to surrender everything over to the Lord because He has been so good to us.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 11-13-2011 Sunday, PM. |
Listen | Download | The Effects of the Laodicea Church Age. We are now living in the last stages of the last days. The Bible gives us seven churches in the Book of Revelation that picture different stages of church growth. When one comes to the last church mentioned, one will find a lukewarm church. The lukewarmness of Laodicea is the central point of discussion from the Lord. The lukewarmness is affecting the spirituality of the modern church today.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 11-13-2011. Sunday AM. |
Listen | Download | Acts 18 Closing & Acts 19. The Beginning of the Third Missionary Journey.In the last part of Acts 18 we read that Paul reports back to the Antioch Church. This is the church that sent him out and now he is back there for the second time to tell the good news of God's blessings. Chapter 19 of Acts records the beginning of the third missionary journey of Paul. He spend two years at Ephesus teaching and training the believers in the way of the Lord.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 11-9-2011 | |
Listen | Download | 2. "Twice Called" The Call To Sacrifice Gen. 22 God called Abraham and Abraham answered with "Here I am". In that answer God began to put Abraham to the test to see if he was really serious about serving God. He put him to the ultimate test in asking Abraham to sacrifice his only son |
Listen | Download | How God Judges Nations-Will He Judge America Amos 4 In the Old Testament, the prophets were usually dealing with the sins of the nations and God's Judgments upon them. In Amos chapter4 we see 5 different ways God dealt with Israel in there sin. We surely can see that God can judge America the same way if He wills. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, Sunday Morning 11-6-11 |
Listen | Download | Acts 18 The Converts in Corinth - As Saul leaves Athens he goes to the very important city of Corinth. Corinth was the center of travel and therefore was a very sinful place. Paul preached and many were saved and the Church of Corinth was established. Later he writes two letters back to the church to correct them. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 11-2-2011 | |
Listen | Download | 1. Twice Called - The Call of Sorrows - When the Lord says something one time, it is important. If He says it twice, we better make sure we listen. This message gives us three different occasions where we read words spoken together. "Lord, lord" will be spoken to God from the judgement. "Jerusalem, Jerusalem" was spoken to the Jews that were in rejection and "My God, My God" speaks from Jesus to His Father.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 1st. in a series. 10-30-2011 | |
Listen | Download | It Is Well - 2Kings 4. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 10-30-2011 | |
Listen | Download | Acts 17. --The Second Missionary Journey continues.In the 17th chapter of Acts we see three main stops that Paul and his group make as they continue the second missionary journey. The go to Thessalonica, Berea and Athens. Each city has the Gospel presented unto them in a clear way so they would have opportunity to believe. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, Wed. 10-26-2011 | |
Listen | Download | In Times Like These - In These Last Days. We have a surplus of signs around us showing us that we are living in the last days. These are times of rebellion and rejection and removal of boundaries. Paul tells us of the certainty and character of these last days. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, Sunday PM, 10-23-2011 | |
Listen | Download | To Be A Disciple. One of the most important things for a Christian is to become a faithful disciple. To be a disciple one must have a call to salvation and service. Then one must count the cost to make sure the task can be finished. There are great rewards given to true disciples of the Lord. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, Sunday AM 10-23-2011 | |
Listen | Download | Acts 16. This chapter gives us the first part of the second missionary journey of Paul and Silas. As they go to the different cities they come into contact with Timothy. Timothy then goes with them on their journey. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. Wed. 10-19-2011 | |
Listen | Download | I Was Blind But Now I Can See - John 9:1-11 & 18-25. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. | |
Listen | Download | Why They Quit - Psalm 78 gives us the pattern for continuing the spread of the Gospel to our family. Verse 9 tells us the tribe of Ephraim was armed with bows and arrows but in the day of battle they ran. As we examine the chapter we will find the reason why they quit. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, Sunday PM Oct. 2, 2011 | |
Listen | Download | Video | If Our Gospel Be Hid. The most valuable treasure we have is our salvation. The only way to receive the gift of life is to hear the Gospel. If the Gospel be hid then there will be no salvation to the lost. In this message we look at three things that hides the Gospel. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 10-2-2011 Sunday AM. |
Listen | Download | Acts 15 give us the details of how the early church handled a serious doctrinal problem. This chapter shows us how the Apostles responded to the possibility of false doctrine being introduced to the Gentile believers. The end of the chapter gives us the foundation for the second missionary journey of Paul. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, Wed. 9-28-2011 |
Listen | Download | The Mystery of Iniquity.The Book of 2 Thessalonians prophesies the end-time and eminent return of our Lord Jesus. Iniquity is manifest everywhere we go and in everything we see. Sin so deceives the sinner that he has no concept of right and wrong many times. The Bible tells us that the sinner has pleasure in wickedness. The only cure is Jesus.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, Sunday AM. 9/18/2011. | |
Listen | Download | Acts 14 gives us the continuing story of the early church and the completed first missionary journey of Paul and Barnabas. When their travels finished they reported back to the church at Antioch concerning the endeavor of preaching the gospel to the regions beyond. They faced blessings and trials but in the end the Scriptures state they finished their assignment. | |
Listen | Download | Making Void The Law Of God. Psalms 119:126 tells us it is time for the Lord to work because the people had made void the law of God. America has permitted many things to take place that has voided the law of God. As this has happened, "it is time for thee, O Lord to work." God has promised to deal with sin and He will judge us according to truth. By Bro Lawrence Richardson, Sunday PM, 9-11-2011 | |
Listen | Download | The Towers That Fell. 9/11 10 year anniversary. The World Trade Center buildings were a sign of stability and strength but in a few minutes they were on the ground showing total destruction. They fell and no one could believe what had happened. The world has no promise of salvation within itself. Thank the Lord, Jesus is our strong high tower and he will never fall. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, Sunday AM 9-11-2011. | |
Listen | Download | Making A Difference. Every Christian should make a effort to make a difference in the place where God put them. On the job, at school, at home or at church we should strive to make a lasting impression on peoples lives. We must be committed to the task, with compassion and character. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, Sunday, 9-4-2011PM. |
Listen | Download | Acts Chapter 13 The Beginning of Paul's Missionary Work With persecution, many Christians fled Jerusalem and went north to Antioch, making it the new center of Christian activity. The Holy Spirit called Barnabas and Saul to go where He would lead them. As they went they preached Jesus Christ as the Savior to all that would believe. This chapter gives us the details of Paul's first missionary journey. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. 8-31-2011 Wednsday. | |
Listen | Download | Do You Know Him?-
To know the Lord is to know life eternal. Paul said "That I may know him and the power of his resurrection. Knowing the Lord is more than just knowing him in salvation. We can really know him in a close relationship as we surrender to His will. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 8-28-2011 Sunday PM. |
Listen | Download | Preaching of the Cross - The preaching of the cross is the mandate of the Gospel. Preaching to the world is foolishness but to us that are saved, it is the power of God. The Cross is seen in the prophecy of the Old Testament and fulfilled in the life and death of Jesus Christ. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 8-28-2011 Sunday AM. |
Listen | Download | Acts 12 The Repression of the Church. This chapter gives us the story of the arrest and miraculous release of the Apostle Peter. Peter is thrown in jail but the Angle of the Lord came in during the night hours and set him free. The church saw a direct answer to their prayers concerning Peter. Despite the hardships and trials, the church continued to grow and prosper. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 8-24-2011 Wednsday . | |
Listen | Download | The Mercy of God. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. Sunday PM, 8-21-2011 | |
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Our State & Our Standing, Where He Brought Me From Ps. 40:2-3. When a Christian looks at their life they realize what the Lord has done for them in Salvation. He has brought us up from the depths of ruin to a heights of joy and happiness and from doom to delight. 8-21-11 Sunday Morning, by Bro. Lawrence Richardson |
Listen | Download | Acts 11--Contention In the Church The early church was a Jewish church but the Lord had plans to expand the church to include everyone. In this chapter we see the contention of the Jewish believers to the fact that Gentiles had received the Grace of God. Peter goes back to Jerusalem and reports that "repentance had been granted to the Gentiles. 8-17-11Wednsday. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson.12th in series. |
Listen | Download | "Acts Chapter 10--The Great Change" In Acts 11 we see the Apostle Peter preaching to the Gentiles and the Lord granting them the same blessing and miracle as He did to the Jews on the Day of Pentecost. In this chapter we see the expanding of the Gospel to the gentiles.Wednesday 8-10-11 by Bro. Lawrence Richardson.11th in series. |
Listen | Download | "IF" There are many promises which are unconditional promises found in the Scriptures. God will perform them regardless of what we do. Other promises are conditioned on the response of the believer. God will "if" we will. This message explores some of these "ifs".Sunday, 8-7-2011 pm. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson. |
Listen | Download | Can America Be Saved? 2Peter 2:4-10 There are many things wrong in America. She has rejected Scripture for many years and therefore we see immorality advancing in the country. There are some things that must be in order for us to be salvaged as a country. This message addresses these things that we must have to get the job of recovery done. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, Sunday, 8-7-2011 AM. |
Listen | Download | At the Feet of Jesus. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 8-3-2011, Wednsday. | |
Listen | Download | God's Mark by Bro. Lawrence Richardson 7-31-2011. Sunday, AM. | |
Listen | Download | Our Adversary. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 7-31-2011 Sunday PM. | |
Listen | Download | Gethsemane. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, Sunday, 7-24-2011 PM. | |
Listen | Download | Our Battle with the Flesh - By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 7-24-2011 Sunday Am | |
Listen | Download | Acts 9: 1-19 The Conversion of Saul In this chapter we find the account of the salvation of one of the most notorious figures in the Bible, Saul of Tarsus. This study will show us the power of God in the salvation of a soul. Saul was a religious and zealous man but he was lost. The only hope for him was to have an encounter with the Lord of Glory. Wednsday, 7-13-2011. Number 10 in a series. |
Listen | Download | Christ My All In All 1 Cor. 15:26-28 The Bible teaches us that Jesus is or all in all. In life, He is my example, in death, he is our redeemer, in resurrection, he is our justification. When Jesus ascended back to Heaven he sat down on the right hand of the throne of the Father to show his headship over is people. Thank God when He comes again, He will fulfill our hope of eternity. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 7-10-2011 Sunday PM. |
Listen | Download | Video | The Day After Rapture. In the near future there will be a day that the Christians will be taken out of this world by an event we call the "Rapture", or "the catching away." We know the the world is a wicked place now, but what does the Bible tell us about the world after the Christians are gone? The day after the rapture things will definitely change. By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 7-10-2011 Sunday AM. This chapter relates the stoning of Stephen, a man full of the Holy Ghost. Stephen was one of the men chosen to help in the ministry. He was faithful to his calling. This chapter also gives us the first mention of Saul who later became the Apostle Paul.By Bro. Lawrence Richardson, 6-29-2011. 8th in series. |